The Soda Wiki is a collaborative Wiki focusing on the rich history of the most known soda brands worldwide. This popular drink was created in 1777 by 34-year-old chemist Joseph Priestley. He was the one who found out that you can artificially put carbon dioxide in the water. Because of his find, soda is now a national icon for the delight of all ages. It has sparked one of the biggest rivalries globally, and every bottle of soda has a narrative, and every story is as compulsive as the next.
In early-January 2023, Pepsi Zero Sugar was reformulated with a new, improved taste in an attempt to taste closer to the Regular Pepsi.
In other soda news, Dr Pepper Strawberries & Cream with its Zero Sugar variant alongside Sunkist Watermelon Lemonade was released in mid-to-late January 2023.
In addition to Sierra Mist being replaced by Starry with a Zero Sugar variant that aims to a younger generation Z demographic.
A limited-time marshmallow Easter variant Pepsi Peeps is coming out on February 13th, and a limited-time Coca-Cola Creations flavor called: Coca-Cola Move is also planning to release soon.
That's it for today's Soda News!
For more news, check out the News Archive!
The Soda Wiki is now having a makeover, and shortly, we'll be expanding slowly with a massive overhaul of detailed and improved pages in the long run.
This wiki is a fan-driven unofficial wiki, not officially affiliated with any of the huge and the little brands. All official material are owned and registered by their respective owners.