The Soda Wiki
Retro Big Red
RetroBigRed 12oz glass
An design of the 20 oz. bottle design of Retro Big Red from the United States.
Flavor: Red Crème
Color: Red      
Current Status: Permanent Flavor (For some United States stores as a Region-Specific flavor)
Locations Available: United States
Year(s) Available: 2000s - Present
Related Flavors: Big Red
Big Red Zero Sugar
Big Red Vanilla Float
Similar Flavors: Big Blue
Big Manzana
Big Peach
Big Pineapple
Big Orange
Big Honey Lemonade
Big Punch Fruit Punch
Related Promotions: N/A

Retro Big Red is a Big Red soda flavor that is made with natural sugar, just like most soft drinks were in the 1980s before soda companies switched to high-fructose corn syrup.


Retro Big Red was first released in stores of the United States somewhere in the 2000s.

Its ingredients and flavor were based on the original Big Red flavor, and it used packaging and logos reminiscent of the 1950s.
