The Soda Wiki
Pepsi X
Pepsi X Can
A Pepsi X Can.
Flavor: Dragonfruit
Color: Brown      
Current Status: Discontinued
Locations Available: United States
Year(s) Available: late 2012
Related Flavors: N/A
Related Promotions: N/A

Pepsi X was a Pepsi variant. Officially released on October 8th 2012, and then discontinued in late 2012. It is a tie in with "The X Factor" TV show. The dragonfruit flavored cola was selected over 3 other choices based on responses from contestants and fans of the show during auditions at 20 locations in 15 cities.


Pepsi X was released in 2012 to promote the Fox network show "The X Factor" as a limited edition release. It was later discontinued in Late 2012.
