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Pepsi Ginger
A Pepsi Ginger Can
A photograph of the Canadian can design of Pepsi Ginger.
Flavor: Ginger
Color: Brown      
Current Status: United Kingdom: Permanent Flavor

Canada, Jamaica, and Germany: Discontinued

Locations Available: Canada
United Kingdom
Year(s) Available: Canada: 2016
United Kingdom: 2017 - Present
Germany: 2017
Jamaica: 2017
Related Flavors: Pepsi 1893 Ginger Cola
Similar Flavors: Pepsi Holiday Spice
Pepsi Red
Related Promotions: N/A (No related promotions to match with)

Pepsi Ginger (also known in the United Kingdom and Germany as Pepsi Max Ginger) is a Pepsi flavor released in April 2016 as a permanent flavor in Canada, and shortly after, it got discontinued.


Pepsi Ginger, as its name implies, is a Ginger flavor of Pepsi. Its color has a brown look.



On March 30th, 2016, the official Canadian Pepsi Facebook account announced that a new flavor called "Pepsi Ginger" got introduced following the American release of Pepsi 1893 Ginger Cola in early 2016.

Shortly after its introduction, roughly eight months of production, Pepsi Ginger ceased production due to potentially low sales, presumably referring to its availability in bottles and cans, lasting nearly a year before being discontinued.

United Kingdom[]

In April 2017, Pepsi Ginger got released in the United Kingdom named Pepsi Max Ginger as a permanent flavor. According to the official Pepsi MAX Twitter account, Pepsi Ginger is no longer being produced in the UK.


During the same time that Pepsi Max Ginger got released in the United Kingdom. It got released in Germany in April 2017 as a permanent flavor, and shortly after, it got discontinued.


In July 2017, Pepsi Ginger got released for Jamaican people to try. As of November 2021, it is unclear that if Pepsi Ginger is still available as a permanent flavor or not.


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