The Soda Wiki

Not to be confused with Jolly Rancher Cherry Soda.

Jolly Rancher Cinnamon Cherry Fire
Joly Rancher Spicy Cherry Soda
Flavor: Cherry & Cinnamon
Color: Red      
Current Status: Discontinued
Locations Available: United States
Year(s) Available: 2005 - 2021
Related Flavors: Sprite On Fire
Pepsi Fire
Mountain Dew Flamin' Hot
Related Promotions: Jolly Rancher Soda

Jolly Rancher Cinnamon Cherry Fire was a flavor of Jolly Rancher Soda that was based off of the same flavor as the candy (though the candy flavor was released in a separate package and it's part of the original Jolly Ranchers lineup.). It was released and discontinued with the rest of the Jolly Rancher Soda line.
