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Caffeine-Free Diet Coke
Caffeine Free Diet Coke Logo
The official Caffeine-Free Diet Coke logo.
Flavor: Diet Cola without Caffeine
Color: Brown      
Current Status: Permanent Flavor
Locations Available: Various countries across the world
Year(s) Available: United States: 1983 - Present
Related Flavors: Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola
Caffeine-Free Pepsi
Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi
Similar Flavors: N/A (No similar flavors to match with)
Related Promotions: N/A (No related promotions to match with)

Caffeine-Free Diet Coke is a variant of Diet Coke that uses almost the exact formula but doesn't contain any caffeine. It was The Coca-Cola Company's attempt to compete with PepsiCo's Caffeine-Free Pepsi and Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi.


Caffeine-Free Diet Coke is a variant of Diet Coke which is brown in color, similar to Caffeine-Free Pepsi and Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. Its flavor is the same as Diet Coke but doesn't contain any caffeine.


Caffeine-Free Diet Coke was first introduced in stores in the United States in 1984 in an attempt to compete with Pepsi's Caffeine-Free Pepsi and Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi.

In April 1985, Caffeine-Free Diet Coke has switched to the New Coke formula and it did switch back to the Diet Coke formula after three months.
