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Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola
Caffeine Free Coca-Cola 2016
The official Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola logo.
Flavor: Cola without Caffeine
Color: Brown      
Current Status: Permanent Flavor
Locations Available: Various countries across the world
Year(s) Available: United States: 1983 - Present
Related Flavors: Caffeine-Free Diet Coke
Caffeine-Free Pepsi
Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi
Similar Flavors: N/A (No similar flavors to match with)
Related Promotions: N/A (No related promotions to match with)

Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola is a variant of Coca-Cola that uses almost the exact formula but doesn't contain any caffeine. It was The Coca-Cola Company's attempt to compete with PepsiCo's Caffeine-Free Pepsi and Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi.


Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola is a variant of Coca-Cola which is brown in color, similar to Caffeine-Free Diet Coke, Caffeine-Free Pepsi, Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. It's flavor is the same as regular Coca-Cola but doesn't contain any caffeine.


Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola was first introduced in stores of the United States in 1983 in an attempt to compete with Pepsi's Caffeine-Free Pepsi and Caffeine-Free Diet Pepsi.

In April 1985, Caffeine–Free Coca-Cola was switched to the New Coke formula and it did not switch back to the Coca-Cola Classic formula until 1989. In 1997, the font for the caffeine free was changed to eurostile until 2007. The word "Classic" was removed from the label design in Spring 2011 in the United States and it is a permanent variant of the Coca-Cola line up.
